Sunday, January 29, 2012

I've been playing Fortune Lady Piper variant and it has been quite consistent. It has a firepower that standard Piper lack in Lady Dark. And on top of the Piper engine, have Fortune's Future to filter option. I had made 2 card changes from the last time I posted the decklist. And it was a beneficial change,

- 2 D.D. Sprite
+ 2 Cyber Valley

- 2 Wonder Wand
+ 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Sprite was included intention-wise to remove my Ladies to be used for F-Future. However, in testing I found that the only think that is Sprite-able is Lady Light. In fact, I generally stay away from using Sprite in all my Ladies variant now. It slows down the play and quite horrible to be honest. What Cyber Valley does that Sprite didn't is Valley is not dead on it's own. It adds another layer of defense on top of Faders and Trags. When I have F-Future in hand, I have the option to toolbox ANY cards from Graveyard and draw it with Future. The combo play will cost -1 but it's worth it - it makes Future live card, it dumps Light/Dark into the grave (banished first) .

After serious testing, I figured Wand wasnt really needed. It was redundant. I seriously contemplating calling myself stupid for trying to insert more draw power into a deck called PIPER fucking CHAOS. Compulsory is wayyyy better. Re-use Trag, Sorcerer, BLS, etc. etc. and of course , trigger Light.

Now, on to the deck. What does Ladies give in terms of advantage over normal Piper deck? First, another target for Kinka-Byo in Lady Light. Typical variant normally lack beater and you don't win no matter if you have 3456 cards in your hand if your opponent's LP is not in the state of 'zero'. Summoning Lady Dark is as easy as Kinka-ing Lady Light. This Kinka play is even better if I have Creature Swap. I will also be set for any F-Future play later on. What Lady Dark brings to the table is not just 2k stats but also the aggressiveness by summoning another Lady Dark if the effect is successful FOLLOWED by Tiras/Adreus summon. This is a devastating range of play.

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