Friday, November 23, 2012

Gear Gadget

2 Green Gadget
2 Red Gadget
2 Yellow Gadget
2 Effect Veiler / Maxx "C'
2 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
2 Machina Fortress
1 Machina Gearframe
1 Meklord Emperor Wisel

2 Pot of Duality
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon
3 Geartown
2 Terraforming
1 Seal of Orichalcos

2 Solemn Warning
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Fiendish Chain / Dimensional Prison
2 Mirror Force
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment

Been debating whether it's worth  playing 1-2 Machina engine supporting 6 Gadgets.

saving deckspace, lessening monster count so less chance to open with monster-heavy hand

or should i just play Machina without Gadget. or will the Gadget alone be enough, and replace Machinas with Raiou.

but then i have double Gajiltron Dragon.

>The idea of the build is to use Geartown as a virtual barrier against Heavy Storm. This allow me to multiple set backrows and play the usual protect the Gadget game. Orichalcos is like an upgrade version of Solidarity. If I don't have double Terraforming/Geartown play, I have the option to boost my floaters up with this generic Field Spell. Floaters with high battle resiliency can be annoying

Jae Kim once wrote Solidarity is a terrible card for Gadget as it doesn't aid in creating open game state. And if you play Solidarity and set additional s/t you will be vulnerable to Heavy Storm. The Seal doesn't share the same concern with its built-in protection. Since only one Seal is needed, that means a lot in topdecking compared to Solidarity. The ability to threaten for endgame with Gadjiltron means the deck doesn't need to force topdecking war every single time and can change the pace of game accordingly.

Reminder 1 : Don't play Seal with Special Summoned monster on the field.
Reminder 2 : Gadjiltron only need 1 tribute with Geartown activated. Gadgets grant additional benefit when tributed for Gadjiltron.

I just realised about Limiter Removal after finishing up decklist. You can take Wisel out for it  I guess.

but Wisel is my favourite card, especially brilliant with multiple mass removal in the format. It might even provide major tempo swing occassionally. An underrated hand trap, imo.