Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bant Prophet Flash

(Sorry, another magic post)

Saw Reid Duke's list and I'm instantly hooked. Prime Speaker Bant isnt new but Reid is playing with comparably lesser amount of creature than standard PS Bant. For reference, most list only plays Sphinx and Primeval as noncreatures. After further finetuning, I ended up with this

I feel like the biggest change here is that I play Supreme Verdict. Obviously I'm not that bad to play it alongside multiple dorks. I've never been a fan of mana dorks anyway; they can get flooded (if I have nothing to cast those manas for, they are useless) and more importantly, make me more vulnerable to sweeper. It also doesnt feel right to play them in a 'control' deck. 4 Sylvan Caryatid is a mainstay for obvious reasons (see Matt Costa's Jund, another recent hype) .Sometimes even few cards selection can change the direction of a deck and whether it will succed or fail. Compare Matt's list to this... 

This is probably the deck I enjoy playing the most ever and has surprisingly been quite consistent. Basically when Prophet resolves it is pretty hard to lose

More reference :

Thursday, November 21, 2013

U/b Devotion (and u/B)


Edit: Just built another u/B deck which is tilted towards Black with Blue splashed for permissions. From minor testing so far, it seems to be a better version / a better shell for Duskmantle Seer

Duskmantle Seer
Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Jace, Architect of Thought

Essence Scatter
Far // Away
Hero's Downfall
Psychic Strike
Ratchet Bomb
Ultimate Price
Underworld Connections
Whip of Erebos

Dimir Guildgate
Temple of Deceit
Watery Grave

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tribute Set Metaion

Life point: 450 me to my opponent's 600. I had Kaiser Colosseum and a face down Royal Decree, a Steelswarm Roach(he was playing Zombie) and a Glassjaw. My opponent had just gone Tour Guide into Zenmaines. If he read through my bluff, a Leviathan Dragon would have won him the game. Instead I got an extra turn. What happened next was I took too long to decide on the optimal play and lose via time. My hand was: Blaster, some B-Boxers, and Metaion the Timelord. I clearly had no direct answer to Zenmaines this turn. My first mistake was I didn't have Cowboy/Corn/Papillo in The Extra.

After the game, I'm convinced of the best answer: Tribute Set Metaion.

I was reminded by one great sage words of wisdom