This morning I hanged up at as usual and came upon some decks. Here's one made by maygwan :
3 Magical Merchant
2 Giant Rat
3 Gokipon
1 Sangan
2 Mystic Tomato
2 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2 Red-Eyes Wyvern
3 Jinzo
3 Jinzo - Returner
3 Skull-Mark Ladybug
3 Volcanic Scattershot
3 Cockroach Knight
1 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
2 Mezuki
2 Despair from the Dark
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Chaos Necromancer
1 Prime Material Dragon
1 Recycle
2 Blasting the Ruin
As you can see, it's Silk and Milk but it'sa totally worst version I've ever seen! Why? He's running Scattershot, Cockroach and Ladybug. I don't really care much if he has some weird obsession on insect thingy (yucks.).
First off he's absolutely lying when he said he win about 95% of time playing this. Blasting the Ru9ins may looks like a good card on paper in this deck but after several testing, I knew exactly why it's bad. Cos Blasting wont be the most bottom of card and thus the mill with Merchant may stop somewhere in the middle of deck. By then, he may not mill his entire deck, thus Blasting will be draw as a dead card and the whole deck strategy is stop off just liek that. He is running Recycle to overcome this but that won't solve the problem in fact make it even worse...
The only way to go is to cut off all s/t and add ONLY 2 useful s/t. Why 2 but not 1? As I said earlier, the Merchant's mill will eventually stop on the middle of deck leaving at least half of ur deck unmill thus disrupting ur strategy. To overcome this, we need to use Merchant effect twice and even if we didnt mil the whole deck, at least there's already decent amount of cards milled. What should we add then? On top of my head comes up Monster Reincarnation. Useful card for dumping card in hand too. Also noted that maygwan's version didnt run anything that discard thus leaving you witha handful of dead crad in hand. In the new build, I will add at least one discarder in monster form which is hugely searchable.
In maygwan's build, he run full set of Merchant and 8 cards to search for it. Though that's more than quarter of deck, in testing, I found that it' s not reliable enuff so I will add even more. i know that this will increase redundancy but we really need to draw into Merchant fast and once we get it, everything would be set off. If we dont draw Merchant, the deck will fall off automatically, so its no brainer really. I will add these :
+ 2 Lonefire Blossom
+ 1 Tomato
Another thing that bug me off is the full sets of Returner and its big bro. I dont liek it, will give too much dead draw. Once we mill entire deck, it doesnt really matter if we mill 3 Returner and Jinzo or 2 of each. Difference is only we lose one 2400 beatstick, but we in decrease dead draw, so its worth it. I just dint think the deck can win only with Jinzos, REDMD and Despair, so I think another win condition in the form of Norleras would fit in well here. We will be adding in a Norleras and Phantom of Chaos. PoC is searchable with Tomato too and we can retrieve milled PoC with Reincarnation. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Since I dont like dead draw, I will be cutting in one Despair. Mezuki still has PSZ as another target so it's still ok.
Since I had cut Scattershot, Cockroach and Ladybug, I will add in some replacement. First come to min d is Tragoedia. Trag helps make use of dead card in hand, stop OTK, especially against LS and Zombie. Definite option, I dont even know why mr. maygwan didnt have it in his build when its already weak against LS. Another OTK-stopper that is also auto-in is Gorz. Self-explanatory, I guess.
Another cards that I will add is Spear Cretin. It helps me retrieve Merchant and stall with Cretin loopsis just fun. Not the best addition, i know. But that's the cards that comes out on top of my head and I'm not going to put much effort into building this afterall. You can try adding in more card such Armageddon Knight/grepher/LS flair in it and playtest them to your liking.
So, the final build would look like something along this line :
Owh, one more thing, i'm just thinking of Dandylion as it's another target for Lonefire and helps with Synchroing/Tributing. Try it out if you like.
Me signing out, till next time!