Saturday, January 23, 2010

Train? Submarine? wtf?


1 Cyber Dragon
1 Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
2 Elemental Hero Prisma
3 Expressroid
2 Steamroid
2 Drillroid
1 Submarineroid
3 Cyber Valley
1 Card Trooper
1 Sangan

The main purpose of the deck is to unleash Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drillroid via Vehicroid Connection Zone. A trample monster with 3k atk that's immune to JD, Celestia, Torrential, Mirror Force, etc sounds like a good deal. The main problem is that VCZ comes at a high cost of -3 though it should be worth it. Expressroid helps reduce the cost, either through using it's effect before or after the summoning of SVJD. It's the best Roid monster that we have, so it needs to be at 3. Expressroid also combo with Dupe, more on that later. Prisma helps by dumping Roid monster to the grave to be retrieve by Expressroid. Prisma itself can copy the name of the Roids to be use with VCZ. Cyber Dragon is there to be use with Future Fusion (calling Chimeratech). Trooper and Sangan complete the monster lineup and have some nice synergy with the deck. Gale is the best Tuner I can think of that will open up the possibility of synchro toolboxing. Gorz is OTK worst enemy, quite a staple. Valley takes advantage of Dupe.

1 Future Fusion
1 Heavy Storm
1 Brain Control
1 Machine Duplication
1 Scapegoat
1 Lightning Vortex
3 Vehicroid Connection Zone
2 Book of Moon

Future Fusion is used to dump Roids to the grave to be retrieve by Expressroid for huge advantage. Thinning the deck will also aid in faster drawing of VCZ. Brain Control win games; works well with Valley, Gale or occassionally CyDra. Scapegoat + Vortex is cool. Storm is staple. VCZ is the lynchpin of the deck, needs to be run at 3. Book of Moon is a great antimeta cards. Great with Drillroid. Occassionally, can flip Expressroid facedown to reuse its effect. Machine Duplication is so great and gives huge advantage when use on Expressroid. A hand of Future Fusion, Dupe and Expressroid will gives +5 in card advantage.

2 Starlight Road
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dimensional Prison
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Supercharge

Road is too good to not to run. BTH, Torren, Call are staple. Call haves a lot of target here and can be use to bait out your opponent Heavy Storm. Supercharge is just a filler and one of the only few good support for the Roids. Prison killls recruiter, and helps bring more stability and consistency to the deck.

BTW, I'd forgot one card =.=

EX : 2 Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drillroid, 1 Chimeratech Overdragon, 2 Stardust Dragon,
1 Dark End Dragon, 1 Blackwing Armor Master, 1 Ally of Justice Catastor,
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary, 1 Mist Wurm, 1 Goyo Guardian, 1 Black Rose Dragon,
1 Colossal Fighter, 1 Thought Ruler Archfiend, 1 Magical Android.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Re-edit my Monarch. Check it out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
2 Vanity's Fiend
1 Sangan
1 Dandylion
2 Lonefire Blossom
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
3 Mystic Tomato
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2 Super Nimble Mega Hamster (until it's released, i use Snowman Eater)

2 Pot of Avarice
2 Mark of the Rose
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Brain Control
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Scapegoat

1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Starlight Road
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Demon's Chain

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sorry no post today haven't completely playtest the deck that I want to review >.>

Just some tips, Super Poly your opponent Mali and your Treeborn for Absolute Zero for lulz.

Here's another lulz :


1 Great Shogun Shien
3 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
3 The Six Samurai - Zanji
2 The Six Samurai - Irou
2 The Six Samurai - Yaichi
3 Hand of the Six Samurai
1 Spirit of the Six Samurai
2 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Gateway of the Six
3 Six Samurai United
3 Solidarity
2 My Body As a Shield
1 Heavy Storm
1 Cunning of the Six Samurai

3 Starlight Road
2 Dark Bribe
2 Double - Edged Sword Technique
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Waboku

U wanna proof?

najid|>joined the duel.
najid|>loaded their deckSTAR.
najid|>ready to duel.
najid|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>joined the duel.
Lancelot|>loaded their deck2.28 D.F.BL..
Lancelot|>ready to duel.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
najid|>rolled 4.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>i know it was u
Lancelot|>rolled 2.
najid|>me 1sr
najid|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>u go first
Lancelot|>drawn a card
najid|>move a card from hand to field
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>no set s/t???
Lancelot|>move Summoner Monk from hand to field
Lancelot|>turn Summoner Monk into defend position.
Lancelot|>activated effect ofSummoner Monk.
Lancelot|>move Allure of Darkness from hand to graveyard
Lancelot|>looking into their deck.
Lancelot|>move Flamvell Magician from deck to field
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>move Summoner Monk from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Flamvell Magician from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Dark End Dragon from extra deck to field
Lancelot|>activated effect ofDark End Dragon.
najid|>move D.D. Warrior Lady from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>come to Battle Phase.
Lancelot|>Dark End Dragonattacks their Opponent LP.
Lancelot|>added 1Counter counter on Dark End Dragon.
najid|>changed their LP from 8000 to 5900.
Lancelot|>come to Main Phase 2.
Lancelot|>move a card from hand to field
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>move Gateway of the Six from hand to field
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>activated effect ofGateway of the Six.
najid|>2100 hand
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Hand of the Six Samurai attacks their Dark End Dragon at #1.
Lancelot|>move Dark End Dragon from field to graveyard
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
najid|>come to Main Phase 2.
najid|>move a card from hand to field
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
najid|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Hand of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.
Lancelot|>activated effect ofCall Of The Haunted.
Lancelot|>move Dark End Dragon from graveyard to field
najid|>come to Main Phase 2.
najid|>move Cunning of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from graveyard to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>move Cunning of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
najid|>activated effect ofGateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Dark End Dragon from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Call Of The Haunted from field to graveyard
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>move a card from hand to field
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Yaichi from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>activated effect of The Six Samurai - Yaichi.
Lancelot|>move Bottomless Trap Hole from field to graveyard
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 8000 to 5900.
najid|>activated effect ofGateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Zanji from deck to hand
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>move Mind Controlfrom hand to field
Lancelot|>activated effect ofMind Control.
Lancelot|>grand master
najid|>gave away control ofGrandmaster of the Six Samurai.
Lancelot|>move Mind Controlfrom field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from hand to field
Lancelot|>activated effect ofDeep Sea Diva.
Lancelot|>looking into their deck.
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from deck to field
Lancelot|>turn Deep Sea Diva into defend position.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>moveGrandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move X-Saber Urbellum from extra deck to field
Lancelot|>come to Battle Phase.
Lancelot|>X-Saber Urbellumattacks their The Six Samurai - Yaichi at #1.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Yaichi from field to graveyard
najid|>changed their LP from 5900 to 5000.
Lancelot|>move a card from hand to field
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>flip Double-Edged Sword Technique faceup.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Yaichi from graveyard to field
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from graveyard to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>move Double-Edged Sword Technique from field to graveyard
najid|>activated effect of The Six Samurai - Yaichi.
Lancelot|>I think
Lancelot|>gateway can only add 2...
Lancelot|>but ok
najid|>go check wikia
Lancelot|>move Destiny Draw from field to graveyard
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Yaichi from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move X-Saber Urbellum from field to graveyard
najid|>activated effect ofGateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from field to graveyard
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>i did
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 5900 to 3800.
najid|>come to Main Phase 2.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Irou from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>move a card from hand to field
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
najid|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Hand of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
najid|>The Six Samurai - Irou attacks their Opponent LP.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 3800 to 2200.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom hand to field
Lancelot|>turn Tragoedia into defend position.
najid|>The Six Samurai - Irou attacks their Tragoedia at #1.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom field to graveyard
najid|>Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 2200 to 100.
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
najid|>has performed a soft reset.
najid|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.
Lancelot|>has performed a soft reset.
Lancelot|>exchanging cards between maindeck and sidedeck.
najid|>finished exchanging cards.
najid|>shuffled their deck.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>wut~ dont so serious~
Lancelot|>finished exchanging cards.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>cuz im a noobie player man
najid|>lol no
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>move Gateway of the Six from hand to field
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Irou from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>The Six Samurai - Irou attacks their Opponent LP.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 8000 to 6300.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom hand to field
Lancelot|>turn Tragoedia into defend position.
najid|>come to Main Phase 2.
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>no set card???
najid|>nah not needed
Lancelot|>turn Tragoedia into attack position.
Lancelot|>activated effect ofTragoedia.
Lancelot|>move Flamvell Magician from hand to graveyard
najid|>gave away control ofThe Six Samurai - Irou.
Lancelot|>steal your irou
Lancelot|>come to Battle Phase.
Lancelot|>Tragoedia attacks their Grandmaster of the Six Samurai at #2.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
najid|>changed their LP from 8000 to 5400.
Lancelot|>The Six Samurai - Irou attacks their Opponent LP.
Lancelot|>come to Main Phase 2.
Lancelot|>move a card from hand to field
Lancelot|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>move Gateway of the Six from hand to field
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
Lancelot|>man that technique is unique lol
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>i did
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom graveyard to field
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom field to graveyard
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move The Six Samurai - Irou from field to graveyard
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from graveyard to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Hand of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
najid|>Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>infinite loop lol
najid|>yeah XD
Lancelot|>flip Call Of The Haunted faceup.
Lancelot|>activated effect ofCall Of The Haunted.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom graveyard to field
najid|>come to Main Phase 2.
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>maybe its a misplay
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Call Of The Haunted from field to graveyard
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from graveyard to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Yaichi from deck to hand
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>move Mystic Tomato from hand to field
Lancelot|>come to Battle Phase.
Lancelot|>Mystic Tomatoattacks their Hand of the Six Samurai at #1.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 6300 to 6100.
Lancelot|>move Mystic Tomato from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>activated effect ofMystic Tomato.
Lancelot|>looking into their deck.
Lancelot|>move Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude from deck to field
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>come to Main Phase 2.
Lancelot|>activated effect ofDestiny Hero - Diamond Dude.
Lancelot|>mill My Body As A Shield from top of their deck.
Lancelot|>move My Body As A Shield from graveyard to field
Lancelot|>move a card from field to bottom of deck
Lancelot|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>no set s/t?
Lancelot|>waiting for your attack lol
najid|>activated effect ofHand of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>move Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude from field to graveyard
najid|>move Six Samurai United from hand to field
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Zanji from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Six Samurai United.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from graveyard to hand
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Six Samurai United.
najid|>activated effect of Six Samurai United.
najid|>move Six Samurai United from field to graveyard
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>move Solidarity from hand to field
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Hand of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 6100 to 3700.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom hand to field
Lancelot|>turn Tragoedia into defend position.
najid|>The Six Samurai - Zanji attacks their Tragoedia at #1.
Lancelot|>move Tragoediafrom field to graveyard
najid|>Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacks theirOpponent LP.
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 3700 to 800.
najid|>hope u dont draw storm..
najid|>come to Main Phase 2.
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>drawn a card
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from hand to field
Lancelot|>activated effect ofDeep Sea Diva.
Lancelot|>looking into their deck.
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from deck to field
Lancelot|>turn Deep Sea Diva into defend position.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>shuffled their deck.
Lancelot|>move Miracle Fusion from hand to field
Lancelot|>activated effect ofMiracle Fusion.
Lancelot|>move Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude from graveyard to RFP
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from field to RFP
Lancelot|>move Elemental Hero Absolute Zero from extra deck to field
Lancelot|>come to Battle Phase.
Lancelot|>Elemental Hero Absolute Zero attacks theirHand of the Six Samurai at #1.
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
najid|>changed their LP from 5400 to 4000.
najid|>changed their LP from 4000 to 4800.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>end their turn.
najid|>come to Draw Phase.
najid|>drawn a card
najid|>come to Battle Phase.
najid|>Grandmaster of the Six Samurai attacks theirDeep Sea Diva at #2.
Lancelot|>move Deep Sea Diva from field to graveyard
najid|>The Six Samurai - Zanji attacks their Elemental Hero Absolute Zero at #1.
najid|>activated effect of The Six Samurai - Zanji.
Lancelot|>move Elemental Hero Absolute Zero from field to graveyard
Lancelot|>changed their LPfrom 800 to 700.
Lancelot|>activated effect ofElemental Hero Absolute Zero.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Zanji from field to graveyard
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from field to graveyard
najid|>activated effect ofGrandmaster of the Six Samurai.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from graveyard to hand
najid|>move a card from hand to field
najid|>flip The Six Samurai - Zanji faceup.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>move Grandmaster of the Six Samurai from hand to field
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>added 1Counter counter on Gateway of the Six.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six facedown.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>flip Gateway of the Six faceup.
najid|>looking into their deck.
najid|>move The Six Samurai - Irou from deck to hand
najid|>move Hand of the Six Samurai from deck to hand
najid|>end their turn.
najid|>beat me.
najid|>end their turn.
Lancelot|>something bad for me
Lancelot|>peeked at their top card ..
najid|>lol XD
Lancelot|>drawn My Body As A Shield
Lancelot|>out of option
najid|>im rich of option ...
Lancelot|>nothing could do
najid|>divadAD LOL
najid|>better be zombie absolute
najid|>samuari FTW!
Lancelot|>just today i got bad hand